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Exam Strategy

Exam strategy means examination skill . When examination approaches, students begin to plan because 50% chances of success rely on examination skill rather than subject knowledge . 

A student should check and double-check the examination schedule and he should also check what he is allowed or not allowed to take in with him the day before exam . Budgeting time and avoiding elaborate answers unnecessary are also part of our exam strategies after getting the questions paper, he should read it carefully .

 Exam strategy is better to read through the whole question paper before starting to write .  

It is again useful to spend time at least five minutes each question thinking about and planning answers . At first glance the questions may seem difficult, but Exam strategy becomes gradually easier . A student should attempt all the questions to get good marks . Exam strategy is also useful to underline the key words in the questions to help the examiner to know what he is required to do . He should also check back to make sure whether he is writing what he should write . He should always remember that his handwriting should be clear and legible .

If one follows the exam tips on the exam day, he or she wins his or her chances of success .

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